Transportation Safety
If you get quite a shock when an airplane falls off the sky and kills dozens of people, you will probably be horrified when you realize that three thousand humans die every day from land-wheeled-vehicle crashes. The toll is around 1.3 million yearly deaths, and between 25 and 50 million persons injured or permanently disabled.
The Global SoS Network has identified the isomorphism between Legislative SoS and Ground Transportation SoS. As a result, Globalsosnet has also designed the technological approach that will be necessary for eliminating most vehicle crashes.
Crashes are not accidents. They are statistically predictable outcomes. Crashes are not the fault of drivers -they are an organizational problem. So the solution to the problem is a matter of drivers participating in eliminating the SoS constraints in order to eliminate assignable causes for crashes. Globalsosnet is actively working to bring Total Quality Management, or Quality Driving, into practical use.
The United Nations has placed such importance to this issue that it has assigned Target 3.6, of the Sustainable Development Goals, indicating that traffic deaths should be cut by half as part of the 2030 UN Agenda.
System of Systems Technology allows for the elimination of over 90% of land-wheeled-vehicle crashes that occurred historically until the beginning of the 21st. Century. This event exceeds the requirement made by SDG Target 3.6, which states: By 2020, halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic crashes.
The network coaches relevant institutions in regards to the process of rolling out macroergonomic entropy-reducing functions to drivers. The resulting organizational-psycho-motor output from drivers will assure that they will not journey down a road as lone individuals, each operating a disengaged machine. The Global SoS Network will help assure that motorists around the globe will drive their vehicles as members of virtual organizations.