The Global SoS Network

Streamlining Collective Intelligence Towards Sustainable Development [Beta version]  

A Productivity Revolution

The Global SoS Network posits that if workers communicate concern about the environment in which their company operates, workers will feel more in tune with company goals.

When that is the case, management will have increased trust in workers´ decisions regarding operations on the factory floor. The result is a flatter management structure and increased productivity.

When workers, in their role as constituents, communicate with their legislators, the goals of workers draw that much closer to management goals. In addition, the work experience becomes more meaningful bringing forth much greater work satisfaction.

Streamlining the Collective Intelligence of Workers

There are many instances in which management and workers do not see eye to eye on certain issues. Can workers use their collective intelligence to save jobs by forestalling, for example, a looming strike, or the closing of a plant?

Workers own the information that could prevent a strike, or perhaps save a production plant from closing permanently. And when workers streamline their collective intelligence, they are able to resolve issues in a manner that both workers and management win, with the resulting increase of quality and productivity. 

If the country where workers streamline their collective intelligence is a developed one, then the country will enjoy increased productivity and wealth. If the country in case is an underdeveloped one, then the increase of productivity will help the country inch that much closer to becoming a rich, developed nation.

Either way, workers that are more engaged will give productivity an unprecedented boost the world over, resulting in a productivity revolution... probably the largest productivity increase since the start of the First Industrial Revolution in England. 

It´s Kid´s Stuff, too

By the time a human being is an adolescent, he or she should be an expert on how to interact with their representatives in government.

By learning how to use the teledemocratic infrastructure, a young adult will be more aware of productivity and sustainability, and will be ready to assume more responsibility no matter what occupation he or she decides to embark upon. 

The result is also a more rewarding learning experience, a byproduct of increased meaningfulness and satisfaction with the educational experience. More engaged students will be more productive and more aware of the importance of education and its relationship with productivity.